Team manifesto

Elena Sharovar
2 min readAug 3, 2017


In one great team I worked with, we generated this manifesto. It’s extremely valuable, because it was not created in one day, it’s a result of 2 years of regular retrospectives and analysis of mistakes (hey guys I don’t mention you, tell me if I can reveal team name here).

We value

  • Teamwork
  • Team Spirit
  • Communication
  • Team communication (fast response, helpful team)
  • Daily standups getting shorter
  • Over-delivery
  • Commitment to stick to estimates
  • Quality of planning session
  • knowledge sharing (avoiding having specialist)
  • Sharing interesting technical stuff
  • Delivery
  • Sharing work
  • Feeling responsibility for the product
  • Challenging work
  • Support from the team for the new member

New team members:

  • No tight deadlines for new guys


  • Sharing future plans


  • Follow the Code Style
  • Automating of code style checks
  • Code review very constructive
  • Don’t have a feeling of guilt for not reviewing immediately
  • Care about backward-compatibility
  • Don’t do premature code reuse/optimisation


  • Check your test coverage
  • We don’t merge code without good tests

Pull requests:

  • Nominate reviewers for you pull request
  • When creating a Pull request please provide a description
  • Always notify reviewers about your pull request


  • Task statuses in task tracker should be updated more frequently


  • Provide more business knowledge before introducing the user story
  • Better splitting of user stories: splitting is important to understand story
  • Split tasks into small 1-day pieces
  • Don’t blindly accept “I don’t need help. It’s not parallelazible”
  • Don’t be to eager with your user stories. Share them. One completed story is more valuable than 2 uncompleted
  • Be pragmatic instead of increasing the scope
  • Define interfaces between related work accomplished by several devs
  • Splitting is important to understand story


  • Introduce breaks in long meetings to recharge
  • Provide agenda for planning session
  • Improve the quality of stand-ups (big picture for entire team)
  • Keep the meetings structured, and timeboxed
  • Make sure all the participants in a discussion are on the same page
  • Take notes during discussions


  • If task takes more time than expected — bring team to re-estimate
  • Spend some to understand the topic before diving into coding immediately
  • Never start working on an unestimated story
  • If you’re stuck — don’t dig to long, ask for help after 2 hrs max


  • Don’t ignore your team mates
  • Ask for help more directly
  • Don’t let team mates wait for reviews too long
  • Support your mates. Suggest at least a direction to dig if you don’t know the exact answer.
  • Try pair programming to get better understanding
  • Be a trustworthy team member


  • Introducing a new technology into the stack should be validated by product needs
  • Include all team members in decisions which affect the whole team
  • It’s fun to work with new technologies

Online presence:

  • Tell when you go offline so that team understands if you’re online

I think this manifesto is great =) Couldn’t stop myself from sharing.

