Input validation in Google Polymer

Elena Sharovar
4 min readFeb 17, 2017


For validation settings, Google Polymer inputs (paper-input and others) have these properties

  • required
  • auto-validate
  • error-message
  • maxlength
  • minlength
  • pattern
  • allowed-pattern
  • validator

plus, this useful property to observe input state:

  • invalid

and this method to execute validation:

  • validate()

Input settings for validation

required — marks input as required (value length should be not zero)

minlength — the minimum number of characters required to be valid

maxlength — maximum number of characters allowed to type in

pattern — RegEx pattern to validate input value

<paper-input pattern="[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}"></paper-input>/**
* For this input “EN123456” is a valid value,
* but "EN123456 " or " EN123456" are invalid values
* because there are extra characters
* and value doesn't match a pattern

allowed-pattern — a pattern to restrict characters allowed to type in

// accepts letters only
<paper-input allowed-pattern="[a-zA-Z]"></paper-input>
// accepts digits only
<paper-input allowed-pattern="[0-9]"></paper-input>
// accepts nothing, because one character cannot match this pattern
<paper-input allowed-pattern="[0-9][A-Z]"></paper-input>

auto-validate — to execute validation as input value changes

error-message — message to show below input when input value is invalid

validator — custom validator assigned to input (will be described below)

When validation is executed?

  • if auto-validate is set — when input value changes
  • when you call .validate() method of the input
  • when you call .validate() method of the iron-form
  • when you submit iron-form by calling .submit() or by clicking submit button

What is done during validation?

Input method .validate() does the following:

  • it makes all necessary checks and returns true/false
  • it updates “invalid” property of the input (true/false)
  • when “invalid” changes — input style changes, error-message is displayed

This is how invalid input looks (of course you can change styling):

How to validate all inputs in a form?

Put your inputs inside iron-form

<form id="form" is="iron-form">
<paper-input id="name" pattern="[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}"></paper-input>
<paper-input pattern="[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}"></paper-input>
<paper-button on-tap="_submitForm">Submit</paper-button>

Iron-form has these useful methods:

.validate() — to execute validation on all inputs in the form (returns true/false)

.reset() — to reset all changes done in the form (resets values and validation statuses)

.submit() — to submit a form, with all validations checked

How to reset input state from invalid to default?

In single-page applications you sometimes need to reset input state if user navigates away from your form.

Iron-form has .reset() method, but inputs don’t have .reset() method. To reset input state, you should change “invalid” value to false.

this.$.name.invalid = false;

Custom validator

If you want to use some JavaScript function to validate your input value, you should create custom validator and provide it to the input.

Custom validator — it’s element which should have:

  • Polymer.IronValidatorBehavior
  • validate() method returning true/false
  • validator-name assigned

This is example of custom-validator element:

<dom-module id="my-validator">
(function() {
'use strict';
is: ‘my-validator’,
behaviors: [
validate: function(value){
return value % 3 === 0;

and this is how this custom-validator can be assigned to an input:

<my-validator validator-name="validator1"></my-validator>
<paper-input validator="validator1"></paper-input>

As you see, validator-name identifies a validator, not ID.

One custom validator for many functions

There exists a practice to make custom-validator element without .validate() function, and to assign .validate() function in .attached().

So, you can use single cusom-validator element but replace its .validate() functions when validator is inserted into DOM.


<custom-validator id="v1" validator-name="validator1"></custom-validator>
<custom-validator id="v2" validator-name="validator2"></custom-validator>
attached: function(){
this.$.v1.validate = (value) => value % 3 == 0;
this.$.v2.validate = (value) => value % 5 == 0;

This is useful if you have some library with functions (or share functions between backend and frontend), and you don’t want to create a custom-validator for each of those functions.

That’s all for now.

Here are some examples of validations on CodePen:

Password and repeat-password validation in Google Polymer

Iron-form validation

Happy validating!

P.S. What I really miss in Google Polymer validations

In Angular 2, inputs can be not only valid and invalid. There, you can also know if input was touched/untouched and if it’s dirty or pristine (changed or not).

For example, to show green checkbox next to the input when user entered valid value, it’s not enough to know that “invalid” is false (maybe input was not validated yet, right?). Green checkbox should be shown only if input value was changed.

So, it would be great to have “dirty” property in inputs. Of course you can always extend paper-input yourself to introduce that.

